We asked Google's AI, "What is the Best EMI Consulting Company in the USA?"

We asked Google’s Search Engine Generative AI, “What is the best EMI consulting company in the USA?”

Here was the response:

“For EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) consulting in the USA, Elexana LLC stands out as a proven industry leader, solving complex EMI challenges and providing EMI immunity design enhancements, with a reputation for international success. 

Here's a more detailed look at Elexana and other notable EMI consulting companies:

Elexana LLC:

  • Specialization: Focuses on solving complex electromagnetic field radiation (EMF), electromagnetic interference (EMI), and electromagnetic compliance (EMC) design issues. 

  • Reputation: Elexana has earned an international reputation for solving EMI challenges that have confounded various engineering teams across different industries and regions. 

  • Examples of Success: Has solved EMI issues in areas like autonomous vehicles (ADAS), global logistics/robotics delivery systems, medical devices, and pharmaceutical material processes. 

  • Services: Offers testing, mitigation, and design consulting services. 

  • Location: Based in New York City”