Elexana is a fully-insured fee-for-service American company serving the world.

  • We provide EMI/EMF/EMC testing and consulting services for engineering, architectural, medical, scientific research, InfoTech, AI & robotics, communications, logistics, electronics, and environmental design teams.

  • We bring our creative and unique problem-solving skills with a straightforward, client-centric collaborative approach.

  • We travel to your location to test and solve malfunctions due to complex EMI/RFI. We also provide advanced EMI investigations, troubleshooting, and deep-measure data analysis with global and local corrections down to the PCB.

  • We expedite the passing of EMC compliance for your new products by traveling to your facility to work in situ or operating from our pre-compliance lab. Click: EMCpass.net

  • We conduct EMF/EMI site surveys and assessments, measuring the electromagnetic radiation spectrum from DC Earth to 60 GHz Satellite signals to ensure the proper functioning of pacemakers, defibrillators, MRIs, CT scanners, electron microscopes, and other sensitive electronics at your facility.

  • We deliver valuable EMI/EMF/RFI mitigation and EMP-HEMP-TEMPEST protection engineering insights and expertise for your renovations, new constructions, facilities, and community developments.

  • We are industry leaders in solving EMI problems affecting robotics, communication systems, and scientific, industrial, and medical equipment. We have solved EMI problems affecting Homeland Security, Fortune 500 companies, scientific research laboratories, government buildings, hospitals, medical equipment, electronics, and more.

  • Providers of mobile on-site manufacturer-specification verification for Industrial, Scientific, and Medical equipment.

  • Providers of pre-compliance EMI/EMC compatibility and susceptibility testing to CISPR, FCC, IEEE, EN, and IEC standards with EMI immunity design consulting at your location.

  • A Boston Scientific-approved and listed company for pacemaker compatibility testing in the workplace.

  • We are the primary providers for high-end residential EMI/EMF testing services for licensed medical practitioners and physicians. We are certified HIPAA-compliant EMRS: BBI® Certified Professional Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists. Recovery from any illness begins with your doctor, your nutritionist, and Elexana.

  • Providers of Soil Resistivity, Ground System Resistance, and Point-to-Point Testing per NFPA® 70E, NEC, IEEE 1.9.5 for land development, airports, power stations, and research centers.

  • Providers of electromagnetic safety, remediation, and High-End Residential New Builds design.

Our mission is to help make this a better world while serving with integrity, professionalism, and excellence.

Elexana is a hybrid word combining two Latin words: Electron and Sanas. The Latin verbs sano, sanas, sanare, sanavi, and sanatum mean "to cure," "to heal," "to correct," or "to quiet". Our aim at Elexana is to “quiet or correct the flow of electrons, improve the quality of your equipment function, and at best contribute to healing.”


Since operating in 1990 as EMF Consultants, Elexana was later established as Elexana LLC, the first electromagnetic radiation interference testing and mitigation consulting company based in New York City. During the Pandemic, we relocated our home office to Westchester County, just north of the Bronx.

Elexana first served and worked throughout New York City with various departments of the City of New York, Con Edison, The MTA, Metro North, the Taxi & Limousine Commission, Chase, HSBC, several Local Union IBEW shops, and non-union electrical corporations, several of New York’s hospitals, engineering firms, iconic historical buildings, StuyTown, NYC Housing Corp, hundreds of apartments, dozens of businesses, and much more. Because of these vast experiences, Elexana can draw upon a unique work experience and history.

From NYC, Elexana expanded its territory to cover the entire USA and Europe, consulting for businesses ranging from start-ups to the Fortune 500, new mansion builds, national defense, and educational and medical institutions.

Founder James Finn, a proud son of New York City, was the first EMI Engineering Consultant and Certified Professional Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) in NYC. As a native New Yorker, he knows its inner workings, infrastructure, and unique challenges. This awareness has helped him quickly understand the challenges of several other US cities.

Elexana earned an international reputation by solving several EMI challenges that had confounded various Chinese, European, and American engineering teams. These wins include solving the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) in autonomous vehicles, a global logistics/robotics delivery system, various medical devices, pharmaceutical material processes, and more.

Our success has transported Elexana LLC from a local New York City company to an industry leader that solves complex EMI issues and provides EMI immunity design enhancements.

Elexana is the leading choice of engineers, architects, physicians, and informed consumers.

A Member of the Chamber of Commerce since 2019

Image: Chamber of Commerce logo. A Member of the Chamber of Commerce since 2019

  • The Official EMI/EMF Testing and Mitigation Consulting Services Company for New York City.

  • A member of the New York City 212 Chamber of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce.

  • A member of the New York Section of the IEEE, the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

  • A member of the IEEE EMC Society.

  • A lifetime member of the Building Biology Institute® dedicated to providing healthy, safe, and sustainable indoor environments.

A Professional Member of the National Fire Protection Association

A Professional Member of the National Fire Protection Association

Image: NFPA logo.

Elexana’s creative troubleshooting diagnostics and innovative techniques for debugging and solving electromagnetic interference set us apart.

We provide reasonable standard practice science-proven solutions with an interdisciplinary collaborative client-centric approach, test to EMI/EMC equipment specifications, or client-specified international safety levels. We then use the ALARA Principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) or ALARP Principle (As Low As Reasonably Practicable), conferring on general mitigation solutions. We can assist with these level determinations.

Our select team of independents includes Electrical and Civil Engineers from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Department of Environmental Quality, Electrical & Nuclear Power, the Oil & Gas, and Alternative Energy Industries. Certified Professional Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists™ (EMRS), Master Electricians (NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Putnam, and Connecticut; only with an EMI referral), Environmental Consultants, and a HIPAA-compliant reception staff.

IEEE EMC Society Voting Member - New York Chapter

IEEE EMC Society Voting Member - New York Chapter

Image: EMC Society logo.

Elexana LLC is an evolution of EMF Consultants, New York City's first established EMI/EMF Testing Service Company. NYC native James Finn founded it, Principal EMI Consultant, Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, EMRS, DPSc, MA., and EMF Consultants Mitch Marchand, B.Sc, EE, EMRSRyan Blaser, B.Sc., EE, EMRS, BBEC, Together, they have become a collective force sine pari.

We measure and analyze Communication and Information Microwave Signals (RF) using broadband and log-per antennas designed for the aerospace industry, low-loss cables calibrated before each survey, and spectrum analyzers and software designed for the US military and RF engineers.

We are:

  • Approved US Government Contracts for EMI Services,

  • Dun & Bradstreet Certified and Verified,

  • OSHA Certified for General Industry,

  • AEMC Certified in Grounding and Bonding Testing per NFPA® 70E Compliance and National Electrical Code NEC 2020 Regulations,

  • AEMC Certified in Ground Resistance and Conductivity Point-to-Point Testing and Engineering Instruments,

  • Boston Scientific approved and listed for pacemaker compatibility testing in the workplace.

  • FCC Registered No. 0030966121

  • CEU-accredited and Building Biology® Institute Certified, Professional Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists, EMRS

  • HIPAA Certified and Compliant,

  • Bioelectromagnetics Society Approved,

  • European Bioelectromagnetics Association Approved,

  • American Society of Photobiology Approved,

  • New York 212 Chamber of Commerce Member,

  • A Professional Member of the National Fire Protection Association

  • General and Professional Liability Insured

EMI • EMC • EMF Testing and Consulting Services

Non-Ionizing Radiation: DC-60 GHz

Ionizing Radiation: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-Ray

We test and survey with state-of-the-art ISO-17025 certified-calibrated instruments, ensuring measurement accuracy, testing replicability, data accountability, and verifiable scientific reports.

NEW! Seismic Studies

Acoustic Testing

Subsonic and Infrasonic Sound: 0.07 - 20,000 Hertz

Vibration Testing

Industrial and Scientific Research: 0.01 µm/sec^2

Serving the USA:

New York City, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, Denver, Minneapolis, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Portland, Seattle, Nashville, Honolulu, and beyond.

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FCC Registration No. 0030966121.

ELEXANA LLC was established in 2017 as an evolution of EMF Consultants™ and EMFnYc.com

NYC’s First EMI/EMF Testing and Remediation Consulting Company

 New York, New York


Registered, Certified, and Insured

Copyright © 2025 ELEXANA LLC. All Rights Are Reserved.

FCC Registration No. 0030966121