Can a Meter Isolate the Source-Point of an Individual AC Magnetic Field Among Many? Elexana LLC

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Can a Meter Isolate the Source-Point of an Individual AC Magnetic Field

…if multiple Magnetic Fields are intersecting or even coupling onto each other?


To assess how much of the magnetic field inside of this infrared sauna was caused by the sauna versus source-points outside the sauna requires training and experience applying the correct scientific methodology. A Gigahertz Solutions NFA 1000 Near-F…

Assessing how much of the magnetic field inside of this infrared sauna was caused by the sauna versus source points outside the sauna requires training and experience applying the correct scientific methodology. A Gigahertz Solutions NFA 1000 Near-Field Analyzer measures 1.90 mG of AC magnetic flux (vector magnitude) at the seat inside of an infrared sauna. The red light in the lower right (X-axis) indicates the direction of the strongest flux lines parallel to the rear wall of the sauna. Moving the meter verified this. More testing was needed to make a complete and correct assessment.

Answer: Yes. Using a Gauss Meter, a trained and certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist™ (EMRS) can:

  1. identify and isolate each source point among many

  2. measure each as a separate entity

  3. provide the correct remediation solution for each and every one.

    This is what we do every day and is one of many reasons why hiring a certified EMRS is your best choice.

Getting distance from a source is an amateur’s solution.

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