Is an EMF Testing License Issued Anywhere in America?
Take heed if you find an “EMF Testing Expert” or an “EMF Medical Expert” who claims to have a state license or a court certification for EMF testing. Know that you have found someone who is brazenly trying to get one over on you by taking advantage of the general public’s innocent lack of knowledge.
If you find someone claiming to have an EMF Testing License, we recommend you:
1. Request an emailed PDF copy of his/her EMF Testing License or EMF Testing Court Certification.
2. Forward these fanciful documents to us, your local Chamber of Commerce, and your local courthouse.
Please don’t hold your breath on receiving any of these documents because they don’t exist. Instead, you may get an earful of “bona fides.”
Note: For someone to attempt to deceive the public that they have a state license for EMF Testing when they only have an FCC Amateur Ham Radio Operator’s License is a violation of the spirit of the FCC’s issuing ham radio operator’s licenses and violates their code of ethics.
Unfortunately, no license or court certification for EMF Testing is issued in any state, province, or county in North America. We certainly wish there were!
Licensing would help clean up the wacky wild-west circus of residential EMF Testing in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, essentially caused by one person using several websites posing as separate businesses and at least a couple of Google blog spots with fake pseudonyms.
As long as anonymous grifters calling themselves “Experts” have an internet forum to prop countless websites and fake-identity blog spots, each peddling near worthless services while being passively permitted to attack legitimate businesses with fictional stories, false statements, fake reviews, and other nonsense, then people who need professional help could become hard-pressed to find the qualified information and services they certainly have a right to expect and receive.
Anyone claiming to have a state license for EMF Testing is misleading the public and committing fraud. Period.
For a company to be considered a legitimate professional company, it must have general and professional liability insurance and a Federal EIN tax number. Simply being a listed Gxxgle My Business, the spelling mistakes are intentional, and is not a reliable professional standard since Gxxgle does not verify the licensing and certification claims of its ads campaign and search engine-listed customers.
Unconscionable and unethical self-proclaimed “EMF experts” distress the entire residential service sector and cause harm to families living with objectionable levels of electromagnetic radiation exposure. They cause this due to their:
(1.) Lack of sufficient training to test correctly and thoroughly,
(2.) Consistent failure to provide proper advice on remediation protocols and appropriate mitigation strategies,
(3.) Continuing to recommend excessive levels of radiation as safe levels for long-term exposure,
(4.) Failing to acknowledge international standards and ignoring peer-reviewed studies from, and,
(5.) Draining their clients’ resources by charging exorbitant amounts for their worthless assessments, thereby leaving clients without the funds to hire a properly trained professional EMRS to clean up the mess they left.
Today, the Building Biology® Institute’s Professional Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist EMRS program offers the only CEU-accredited certification for EMF/EMR Testing and Mitigation Consulting Services in North America. It is where electrical engineers and electricians go to learn how to test and mitigate electromagnetic radiation properly.
Request an emailed PDF of the “EMF Expert” mythical state license.