Elexana LLC | Denver, Colorado
EMI • EMC • EMF Consulting Services
Elexana is a proven industry leader in solving complex electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) and interference (EMI.)
ISM Electromagnetic Interference Solutions
We specialize in
Industrial, Scientific, Medical, and High-End Residential
EMI, EMC, and EMF services.
We provide EMI, Pre-compliance EMC, and EMF Testing, Analysis, Troubleshooting, Remediation and Mitigation Consulting Services, CAD Design, GPS/Time Stamp Surveys, and Complete Facility Assessments.
Professional and General Liability Insured, IEEE EMC Society Member, OSHA Certified, FCC Registered, E-Verified, BBI© Member, NFPA© Member, ASP© Member, BEMS© Member, SAP Ariba Listed.
At Elexana, we’re solving electromagnetic interference (EMI/EMC) issues to equipment, systems, environments, and materials, and turning the impossible into the possible, helping to move the world forward.™
ISM Electromagnetic Radiation Interference Solutions
EMI/EMC Susceptibility and Compatibility Testing
EMI Troubleshooting, Design Consulting, and EMI Mitigation
Certified & Insured EMI/RFI/EMF Surveys, Shielding Integrity Testing, and Design
Soil Resistivity, Grounding & Bonding Impedance Testing
Pacemaker and Defibrillator Safety Testing
High-End Residential & Commercial New Build Design for EMI/EMC/EMF Immunity
FCC-OET65 Certified Testing
CISPR and FCC Part 15 Pre-Compliance Testing
We use the highest standard ISO 17025 certified-calibrated equipment to test the entire EMF spectrum from DC to 60 GHz.
Insist on ISO 17025 certified-calibrated instruments for all high-risk measurements, assured accuracy, replicability, and traceable-official reports.
Our survey measurements include GPS coordinates and time stamps.
Unlimited-duration data logging is available for the entire EMF spectrum from DC-60 GHz.
General and Professional Liability Insured
Trained and Certified in Grounding and Bonding Testing per NFPA 70E®
IEEE Member No. 97341915
Serving hospitals, schools, institutions, industry, technology, film & music.
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