Elexana’s EMC Pre-Compliance Test Lab
We have been developing our Pre-Compliance EMC Lab, running tests for clients, finding why they can’t pass, and, more importantly, helping them pass.
Our 100% success rate is unrivaled!
You have two options:
Host us at your facility with our portable EMC Pre-Compliance Testing and Troubleshooting Equipment to conduct pre-compliance tests and help you get your product to market faster.
Ship your new product or just the PCB to our home office lab.
What distinguishes us from a typical EMC Test House is pointing out why your device is failing and how to fix it. We can get you there faster at a fraction of the cost of repeatedly sending your equipment to an expensive EMC Testing House until you would pass.
Please send us your circuit boards and small devices under development for CISPR, IEC/EN-61000, and FCC testing.
Our services and expertise are ever-expanding and evolving.
For example, we can custom design EMI filters for your PCB, DC-DC converters, and power supplies and provide global alternatives so your product can pass EMC Compliance…another reason we are the world’s EMI Consultants.
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FCC Registration No. 0030966121