What is Building-Biology or Bau-Biologie?
Building Biology originated in Germany during the 1970s. Bau-Biologie, or Building-Biology, is a science of construction and building as related to health and wellness. It is a scientific field that identifies and evaluates toxic sources within the indoor environment and studies how best to mitigate or prevent these toxins from occurring. Building Biology emphasizes the use of natural building materials rather than synthetics.
Photo: Building Biology® Institute logo.
What does a Building Biologist do?
Building Biologists provide professional environmental testing based on the 25 Principles of Building Biology and Ecology. Our job is to identify ecological stressors and toxicants within a building and provide practical suggestions for improving the indoor environment. Building Biology assessments and inspections evaluate more indoor pollutants than any other “healthy building” inspection protocol available in the US.
A Building Biologist is trained and certified to provide:
Electromagnetic Field Testing (only by certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists, EMRS)
Assess the built environment for moisture and mold
Conduct sampling for allergens, chemicals, and particulates
Provide advice on building healthy homes
Conduct sampling for water contaminants
Provide advice on healthy personal care and cleaning products
Detect and correct noise and vibration