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We asked Google's AI, "What is the Best EMI Consulting Company in the USA?"

We asked Google’s Search Engine Generative AI, “What is the best EMI consulting company in the USA?”

Here was the response:

“For EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) consulting in the USA, Elexana LLC stands out as a proven industry leader, solving complex EMI challenges and providing EMI immunity design enhancements, with a reputation for international success. 

Here's a more detailed look at Elexana and other notable EMI consulting companies:

Elexana LLC:

  • Specialization: Focuses on solving complex electromagnetic field radiation (EMF), electromagnetic interference (EMI), and electromagnetic compliance (EMC) design issues. 

  • Reputation: Elexana has earned an international reputation for solving EMI challenges that have confounded various engineering teams across different industries and regions. 

  • Examples of Success: Has solved EMI issues in areas like autonomous vehicles (ADAS), global logistics/robotics delivery systems, medical devices, and pharmaceutical material processes. 

  • Services: Offers testing, mitigation, and design consulting services. 

  • Location: Based in New York City”


EMF Magnetic Shielding: Elexana Offers a Complete Full-Service

Elexana offers a licensed and insured full-service EMF magnetic shielding service for all industrial, scientific research, medical, and educational facility needs in the New York Tri-State area.

We provide full shielding installations from the first EMF testing assessment applying IEEE standard procedure using ISO 17025 certified-calibrated equipment, staff electrical engineering CAD designs, sheet-steel cutting, welding, framing, fastening, electrical bonding and grounding, and final EMF testing using data logging with GPS/time-stamp certified-calibrated equipment with readings that are not from a hand-held meter, which is subjective.

Elexana has all your project needs covered.

We can supply our licensed contractor and product manager to oversee the entire operation or work with your engineering staff, contractors, and personnel to achieve quality service with timely results.


Elexana Adds Ionic Radiation to the List of What We Can Measure

Our services and expertise continue to expand and evolve to include non-ionic and ionic radiation. Now, we can also test and datalog nuclear radioactivity and radiation exposure from X-rays, gamma, alpha, and beta particles, using our 2L accredited certified-calibration 2521.01 equipment to assess radiation leakage exposure from dentist offices, X-Ray labs, medical waste in landfills, nuclear power plants, shipping containers, granite countertops, and granite rock formations.


James Finn, Princeton's Physics Department, Fusion Energy, and Plasma Physics

YES! This IS Rocket Science!

This Summer, Elexana’s senior EMI Consultant, James Finn, is attending Princeton University’s Department of Physics Summer Program offering, “Introduction to Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics Course” at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL.)

Twenty-five of the world’s Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics experts will teach this comprehensive course. James will dive deeply into this cutting-edge clean-energy technology's physical theory, production methods, storage and containment methods, and delivery systems.

Princeton University is one of several pioneering institutions researching Fusion Energy Technology in the US. Unlike Nuclear Fission Energy, which involves separating particles by starting with the very heavy Uranium 235, Fusion Energy starts with lithium forming heavy hydrogen. The output residual is primarily helium. Mining uranium is therefore not required and neither is the burden of storing much nuclear waste. Therefore, Fusion Energy is a more desirable technology for clean energy sources.

Plasma Physics will be covered in depth from the nano-scale used in industrial, aerospace, and scientific applications to the astrophysical scale.


Elexana Sets a New Industry High Standard for EMF Testing

With the capability to measure and evaluate the full-spectrum EMF radiation from Geomagnetic, Pulsed-DC, and Quasi-DC, from Electrical Power Transmission ELF AC the RF energy through to the 5G Network to 60 GHz RFI from automobile guidance systems and satellites, all with ISO 17025 certified-calibrated equipment, we have drawn another line in the sand, establishing a new high bar in meeting testing protocols, quality standards, skill set requirements, expertise, and knowledge.

Testing at your home facility with the correct equipment and expertise is essential, whether for a pacemaker, defibrillator, or any other biomedical device’s tolerance specifications. It would be best to be confident that the job would be done correctly.

If you plan to install a new MRI, electron microscope, or any fine electronic with EMI specs, you must ensure that you will be served with the highest quality testing equipment and testing standards.

Call us to learn more.


Hungerford Diagnostics Center Project

Elexana conducted EMI/EMC testing and consulted on the seating of three Siemens Magnetic Resonance Imagers in Torrington, CT.

Elexana has become the premier testing and consulting company seating MRIs and other sensitive scientific, industrial, and medical equipment.


Sappi Textile Laser Printer Project

Elexana consulted on the EMI emissions from the world’s largest textile laser printer. We set up the EMI testing designs and conducted various EMI studies for the company’s engineers, physicists, and operators. This printer is the primary texture template for almost every industrial and automotive plastic. The texture of the dashboard on your car was likely by this printer!


Elexana Brings EMF Testing to Hawaii and Los Angeles, California

Happy New Year! Aloha! 2023 is going to be a grand year for all of us!

Elexana is in Hawaii testing EMF for residential and commercial clients. James Finn, the Senior Consultant, says,” This has been a great experience visiting Hawaii and testing here. It’s so interesting that Hawaii poses similar EMF conditions found in many parts of the east coast of the US, especially when it comes to the grounding of many of the buildings.”

Next week, James Finn (Jim), will be in Los Angeles conducting more testing and consulting. Jim says, “Every city and state poses similar electromagnetic circumstances, but oftentimes new ones, such as variations in local electrical code, terminology, required permits, etc. Each new assignment brings a new experience.”

Jim will fly back to New York’s JFK International Airport on January 16th where he will hit the ground running, with EMF and EMI Testing in NYC. He will also be training our new electrical engineering rising star named Barkot Melaku, who recently was brought on staff. Barkot will be deeply involved in testing and designing magnetic shielding, and EMF/EMI/RFI testing at a variety of types of both residential and commercial job sites.

Finally, Jim says, “My stay in Hawaii has been wonderful! I have made so many new friends and I look forward to returning next January for a follow-up. Mahalo! ”


Elexana and Siemens Energy Partnership

Elexana is proud to announce our partnership with Siemens Energy, the world’s most established international energy and engineering firm, based in Munich, Germany, and operating throughout the USA.

We recently completed the first leg of a projected five-year project with Siemens Energy: Sunrise Wind, a planned One-Gigawatt Offshore Wind Farm approximately 200 miles from the southern coast of Long Island. A typical nuclear power plant provides nearly 2.2 megawatts of power so this farm will produce the approximate equivalent of 4.5 nuclear power plants!

Elexana is providing EMI/RFI testing and consulting services for this project from its initial planning stages to completion. The work will be focused on Long Island’s Suffolk County and involve several other companies, including TRC, Orsted, and Eversource.
