EMI • EMC • EMF Consulting Services
ISM Electromagnetic Interference Solutions
Elexana is a proven industry leader in solving complex electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) and interference (EMI.)
We provide EMI, Pre-compliance EMC, and EMF Testing, Analysis, Troubleshooting, Remediation and Mitigation Consulting Services, CAD Design, GPS/Time Stamp Surveys, and Complete Facility Assessments.
Professional and General Liability Insured, IEEE EMC Society Member, OSHA Certified, FCC Registered, E-Verified, BBI© Member, NFPA© Member, ASP© Member, BEMS© Member, SAP Ariba Listed.
At Elexana, we’re solving electromagnetic interference (EMI/EMC) issues to materials, equipment, systems, and environments, turning the impossible into the possible, helping to move the world forward.™
ISM Electromagnetic Field Radiation Interference Solutions
EMI/EMC Susceptibility and Compatibility Testing
EMI Troubleshooting, Design Consulting, and EMI Mitigation
Shielding Integrity Testing and Design
Soil Resistivity, Grounding & Bonding Impedance Testing
Pacemaker and Defibrillator Safety Testing
High-End Residential & Commercial New Build Design for EMI/EMC/EMF Immunity
FCC-OET65 Certified Testing
CISPR and FCC Part 15 Pre-Compliance Testing
We use the highest standard ISO 17025 certified-calibrated equipment to test the entire EMF spectrum from DC to 60 GHz.
Insist on ISO 17025 certified-calibrated instruments for all high-risk measurements, assured accuracy, replicability, and traceable-official reports.
Our survey measurements include GPS coordinates and time stamps.
Unlimited-duration data logging is available for the entire EMF spectrum from DC-60 GHz.
General and Professional Liability Insured
Trained and Certified in Grounding and Bonding Testing per NFPA 70E®
IEEE Member No. 97341915
Photo: Screenshot of oscilloscope. Here is an example of a sine wave from a PSU made jagged by RFI, radio frequency interference.
The analogy of wind and water wonderfully illustrates the concept of EMI.
If there is a slow and easy breeze moving across the surface of a lake, you will see ripples or small mercurial waves in the water.
When wind velocity and force increase, you will see more turbulent water. This resembles EMI.
The concern for EMI is the reason your airline pilot calmly orders you to place your phone on “airplane mode.” Accumulative electromagnetism from the many cell phones reflecting off of hard surfaces inside the cabin could intrude onto the computer’s circuitry that controls the landing gear.
EMI is why certain hospital wings will have cell phone-restricted areas.
If you think that your fine electronics may be affected by EMI, then you are on your way to having your problem solved. We’re here for you from Monday through Friday.
What is EMF Testing?
An EMF Testing, called an EMF Measurement Survey, is a non-invasive assessment of the electromagnetic fields within a residential or commercial property. It involves a systematic method of measuring and recording non-ionic radiation emanating from the Earth and various human-made technologies. Measurements are monitored and recorded during a relatively brief or data-logged over a longer designated period.
An EMF survey includes a full assessment of the frequency bandwidth, size, shape, strength (measured as power density in watts per square meter, voltage per cubic meter, or flux density in nanoTeslas or milliGauss), behavior (is the field moving or is it relatively stationary), quality (are there other fields coupled onto the targeted, measured field and what are their characteristics), and the identification of the source-point(s) of each particular EMF field.
An EMF survey is an assessment of the defining characteristics of each electromagnetic field on a property and should include the following:
Frequency bandwidth within the electromagnetic spectrum. This helps determine attributable effects, aspects, and applications.
Size dimensions.
Shape. An EMF field is not the shape of a box.
Strength; is determined by the relative power density divided by the distance from the source point. The strength of a field is measured, in a unit appropriate to the particular field, in either watt per square meter, voltage per cubic meter, or flux density in nanoTeslas or milliGauss
action; determination of the field’s movement or lack thereof.
Quality; is the field unadulterated, coupled with other electromagnetic fields from the same or different source points. (Assess each of the coupling fields.)
identification of the source point(s) of each particular EMF field.
What is the Purpose of an EMF Measurement Survey?
Assess a property to develop solutions for the health and safety of its occupants
Assess the environment for remediating electromagnetic interference causing electronic malfunction
Assess property to design shielding or other mitigation solutions
Assess a building or new construction for the potential of geopathic structural damage
Help educate the client and answer all EMF-related questions in layman’s terminology
What is an EMF Consultation?
An EMF Consultation is either:
An on-site service that includes an EMF Measurement Survey at your residence or business, identification and documentation of all electromagnetic radiation issues which could affect any occupants’ health, identifying the source points with instructions on how to fix these issues, and if possible: fixing the issues at the time of identification (with the client’s permission.) If a licensed electrician, power company service technician, plumber, or cable provider is required, then we provide instructions on how they can fix these problems in a separate report. Yes, this is in our unique training and why you only want an EMRS. This consultation service could include an extended remediation discount sheet and a phone consultation follow-up.
A Phone Service (Telephone, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom) includes listening to all the client’s concerns, providing clear and concise education, asking troubleshooting questions, and proposing remediation solutions. These sessions may include photos, emails, Zoom drawing shares, live videos, links, etc. This service could include an extended remediation discount sheet and a phone consultation follow-up.
Compliant with the IEEE 644-1994 - IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard Procedures for Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields from AC Power Lines…
And then there’s us; striving to set the highest standards for EMF testing protocol and procedure; more thorough, in-depth tests, and service.
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