Should I Buy an EMF Test Meter?
by James Finn ©2022
In my opinion, everyone should own an AC Gaussmeter and an RF meter. With our virtual remote EMF testing program, you can learn how to use these non-invasive consumer-grade meters to safely test your home or office space and begin to take control of your EMF environment. (Note: These meters will only test a part of the EMF spectrum. For a thorough assessment, you need to call a pro.)
An AC Gaussmeter measures the Extremely Low Frequencies (60 Hertz) magnetic flux from power transmission lines, substations, electrical distribution lines, transformers, appliances, etc.
An RF Meter measures microwave power densities from nearby cell tower transmitters, smart meters, WiFi, NEST, Alexa, Bluetooth, security systems, cellphones, printers, etc.
Here is a 5% discount code: Elexana-SLT
For RF Radio Frequency Emissions…
“Elexana Best Choice” Amateur RF Meter
The Safe and Sound Classic
For those who do not do EMF Testing professionally, using amateur meters with pro sensors is the way to go. We have been checking out the Classic’s younger sister, the Safe and Sound Pro, and have been impressed. Because this Classic incorporates the same pro sensors with just an ON/OFF switch, it can easily fit in your front pants pocket, and the price point is $171 with your Elexana-SLT discount code; this is our Choice RF Meter. (Prices are subject to change. Please, include shipping.)
We have recommended this meter to all roof workers, those with EMF sensitivity, and more. The reports back are that they love its ease of use, size, comfort, and safety it provides.
Purchase: Safe and Sound Classic
Enter code: Elexana-SLT during the final step of purchasing
The next step up…The Safe and Sound Pro II
Use discount code at checkout: Elexana-SLT
Purchase: The Safe and Sound Pro II
This is a nice meter. I love its easy use, the audio demodulation, the clear function, the running average, and its portability.
“Elexana’s Best Choice for Virtual Remote RF Testing”
Gigahertz Solutions 35C
We love the 35C for it’s price point and the log directional antenna. It’s perfect for our virtual testing program, easy to use, and gets the job done.
Use discount code at checkout: Elexana-SLT
For AC Magnetic Fields:
“Elexana’s Best Choice” Amateur Gaussmeter
Alpha Labs UHS2 Gaussmeter
Our choice is a professional Gaussmeter that can also be NIST certified. We own three of these in addition to our 5-Gigahertz Solutions NFA 1000’s. The Alpha Labs UHS2 makes for a great backup meter for any pro. We like its ease of use and that it has both an omnidirectional and single-axis capability. You can also switch back and forth between ELF and VLF frequency ranges easily.
Purchase: Alpha Labs UHS2 Gaussmeter
Get 5% off with the discount code: Elexana-SLT
(Prices are subject to change. Please, include shipping.)
This AC Milligauss Meter Model UHS2 measures an AC magnetic field in a frequency range of 13 Hz to 75 kHz (75,000 Hz). The frequencies include most ELF (frequencies below 1 kHz) and VLF (above 1 kHz) magnetic fields. The meter measures the true 3-axis magnitude of the AC field. Two more specialized measurements can also be performed: 3-axis VLF-only (1kHz – 75 kHz) to measure the strength of higher-frequency fields and 1-axis full bandwidth (13 Hz – 75 kHz) to determine the principal direction of the AC magnetic field.
Most measurements will be performed with the knob turned to 3-Axis ELF+VLF. This setting measures the true magnitude of the magnetic field at the most comprehensive range of frequencies (ELF + VLF).
NIST Traceable
Hard Shell Zipper Case
Frequency Range:13 Hz – 75 kHz
Maximum Range:1999.99 mG
Resolution:0.01 mG
Accuracy:±3% from 45 Hz to 5 kHz, ±7% below 45 Hz and above 5 kHz
Battery:9 volt alkaline (~20-hour life) / “Low Battery” indicator
Note: For amateurs, we also like the Alpha Labs TF-2 Digital EMF Meter for just the AC Magnetic aspect of the meter. We feel that Alpha Labs UHS2's flexibility, for less than $100, makes it a better choice.
Gigahertz Solutions EMF Analyzers, Made in Germany for the Building Biology Institute®
Gigahertz Solutions Professional MK70-3D Kit
The NFA 1000
Measures 3D AC Electric Fields and 3D AC Magnetic Fields / GaussMeter with data logging Capabilities
Eliminates the need for X-Y-Z RMS calculations Ability to measure in single axis mode when necessary
AC Electric Field Sensor:
3D X-Y-Z potential-free electric field measurement (Total Exposure)
1D ground reference measurement (Directional)
AC Magnetic Sensor Field:
3D X-Y-Z (Total Exposure)
1D (Directional)
Data logging:
Ability for extensive long-term data recordings
Records simultaneously on 4 recording channel (CH1-3 for desired 3D measurement and optional channel
Channel for recording Radio Frequency signals from the HFE59B RF Analyzer
Supplied with revolutionary PC software (NFASoft) for facilitated interpretation and documentation of the acquired data
Body Voltage Meter:
Integrated Body Voltage Meter
USB Connection to PC
Standard 4 GB SD memory card supplied (upgradeable)
Edge Display:
High frequency transient analysis for "Dirty Electricity"
Frequency Analysis:
Separate true RMS recordings of power line frequencies and harmonics (16.6 Hz | 50/60 Hz | 100/120 Hz plus even harmonics | 150/180 Hz plus odd harmonics | other frequencies < 2 kHz | all > 2kHz)
Audio Notes:
Real time voice recordings, or audio input, embedded into the data screen for playback during data evaluation
Tamper Proof:
A 'no tamper' lock feature allows for the device to be left securely on site while data logging is operational
Geiger Counter Effect:
Customized Geiger Counter/Audio alarm: Allows for a personalized volume and high exposure alarm
Peak Measurements:
Broadband peak measurements (genuine peak of a wave) Experimental Setting
Power Supply:
Li-Ion rechargeable battery for up to 48 hours of continuous recordings
Battery Charger:
External power supply / charger included
Frequency Response:
Flat Frequency Response from 5Hz to 1 MHz at -1db
Signal Rating :
RMS, RMS Hold, Peak
Magnetic Field Range:
1-19,990 nanoTesla (0.01 – 199.9 milliGauss)
Electric Field Range:
0.1-199 Volts/meter - V/m
Body Voltage :
1-19,999 mV
Resolution Magnetic Field:
Finest Reading - 1nT (0.01mG)
Resolution Electric Field:
Finest Reading - Fine Range - 0.1V/m
Accuracy / Basic Tolerance
Compensated, better than -2 dB
The HFE59B High Frequency Analyzer
RF Broadband Radio Frequency “RF” Power Meter Measures RF Power Density in Meter μW/m2
Broadband RF Analyzer
Values displayed are the sum of all of the RFR sources in the band of the antenna
Meter displays instantaneous and "maximum hold" values
Measures power density in μW/m2 (microwatts per square meter)
Uncertainty +/- 3 dB
Antenna: UBB27
Broadband Isotropic – Frequency range: 27 MHz – 3.3 GHz
Quasi-Isotropic antenna “3D” (so-called "Omni"-characteristics)
Far Field Antenna – requires a distance of 2-3 wavelengths form the source
Antenna: LogPer
Broadband Directional Logarithmic Periodic 800MHz – 3.0 GHz
AC/DC Outputs
Facilitates equipment interfacing: oscilloscopes / spectrum analyzers / full audio assessment / data logging (0.5 mV DC or 1.0 mV per digit) switchable
Factory Calibration
Calibrated in factory by Gigahertz Solutions. Traceably calibrated laboratory measurement equipment was used from Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz and IFR (former Marconi) using the internationally accepted “Absolute –Method” for the antenna. The final test prior to dispatch verifies compliance to specifications in every respect.
3rd Party Calibration:
Upon Request: Performed by Serco GmbH Germany, according to the standards of DIN EN ISO/EC 17025 and ISO9001
LCD Display
Easy to read 3.5 digit display
Accuracy/Linearity Deviation:
+/– 3 dB, Zero offset and rollover +/- 5digits
Audible Tone:
The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns(modulation) and intensity of measured RF emissions
Signal Detection Type:
Peak, Average, and Peak Hold feature – Radar / UMTS / 3G / 4G – Able to measure full signal and modulated (pulsed) fraction separately
Power Supply:
Rechargeable battery (NIMH supplied) – also compatible with a standard 9 Volt alkaline battery
Battery Charger:
12VDC battery charger supplied
Battery Low Indicator:
Meter will auto–power off 3 minutes following battery low signal display
Auto Power Off:
Saves on battery use – will auto–power off after 40 min of continuous RF testing
Operating Time:
NIMH provides up to 7 hours continuous use with Log Per Antenna *Note* With the UBB27 Antenna the continuous use battery life will be reduced to approximately 4 hours.
Measuring Ranges:
0.01 – 19.99 μW/m2 // 00.1 – 199.9 μW/m2 // 0.01 – 19.99 mW/m2 Capable of 1,999 mW/m2 with the external DG20_G3 Attenuator 100x) Capable of 0.001 μW/m2 with the external HV10_27G3 Amplifier (10x) (limited by internal noise for certain settings)
Fastest Event Captured
Video Band Width
VBW Standard – 30 KHz = 33 μs VBW Maximum – 2 MHz = 0.5 μs
EMFields Acoustimeter AM-10, Made in England (an RF meter for pros and amateurs)
We keep an Acoustimeter AM-10 inside our RF Sleep Canopy, purchased from Safe Living Technologies. (Yes, your Elexana-SLT discount code works for ALL of their products.)
The Acoustimeter helps us know if the canopy is completely closed. It also brings quite a bit of comfort when we see the difference in the RF levels before and after.
Purchase: Acoustimeter AM-10
Cost with discount code: Elexana-SLT
(Prices subject to change. Please, include shipping.)
Technical specifications
Two line LCD displaying actual levels:
» Peak exposure levels in V/m
» Peak hold levels in V/m
» Average exposure levels in µW/m2
Two lines of LEDS displaying actual levels:
» Peak exposure levels in V/m
» Average exposure levels in µW/m2
Measurement range: 200 - 8 000 MHz ±6 dB
Sensitivity (Peak Display): 0.02 V/m - 6.00 V/m
Sensitivity (Average Display): 1 µW/m2 - 100 000 µW/m2
Pulsing signal may be heard through the internal speaker
Power source: 2x AA Alkaline or Rechargeable (1.2 - 1.5V)
Power draw: 105 mA at 3 V
Battery life: 20 hours
» Typically 15 hours on two new 1500 mAhr AA alkaline cells and
» Typically 25 hours on two charged 2700 mAhr NIMH rechargeable cells
Size (mm): 190 x 102 x 33 (LxWxD)
Weight: 280g, excluding batteries
So, remember, you can buy meter or any shielding products at the best prices in North America from Safe Living Technologies by entering the discount code: Elexana-SLT
When you enter Elexana-SLT into the code box while checking out, you will receive a 5% additional discount.
So, no taxes, an efficient shipping department, great people to deal with, and a 5% discount!
You can get EMF Testing Lessons from us via FaceTime or Skype. Inquire through our contact page.